Wednesday, April 29, 2009

looking for a father's day gift???

~~**~~25% off SPECIAL~~**~~

Hey!!! I know it's not even mother's day yet but I thought I would share with you a great father's day gift (since most of my reader's are women/mothers/wives)!! You can make an order for mother's day as well but time is limited. Here are a couple ideas for your special person!!

1) Gift Certificate to Jenny Bedard Photography!!! One of the best gifts to give!!! There's no hassle for you & I can mail one to you the next day!!

2) Order their favorite prints from a previous session you've had with me!

3) Order a 5x10 (or custom size) print with a beautiful picture & quote! Check out the few ideas I have available for you! You are more than welcome to come up with your own as well!

(canvas wraps & frames are available to order. I have a fancy silver frame & a modern black frame to go along with your custom print).

Receive 25% off when you order a print with custom frame ~OR~ a Canvas Gallery Wrap!!!!

It's a great gift for a desk, office wall or kitchen display!! Make your orders now!! Email me at

~Many Blessings~

(8x12, 16x24 etc. in. print)

(5x10, 10x20, 20x40 in. print)

(8x12, 16x24 etc. in. print)

(5x10, 10x20, 20x40 in. print)

(5x5, 10x10, 20x20 etc. in. print)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

How Darling!!!???

Isn't she so sweet!!??? I had so much fun playing with Ava! She was so welcoming & very entertaining!! We were able to capture many cute expressions during the session. I can't wait to capture her two year old pics very sooN! She has an awesome mom toO!! Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

vacation! May 2nd-May11th

Hey Everyone!!

Just giving you a heads up I will be taking a long & very needed vacation from work starting May 2nd-May11th (mother's day). If you are planning on making an order please do so now. My intentions are to be work free for one week!!! I won't be accessing email & will only be available by phone if you REALLY need to get a hold of me! Again, I prefer all orders to be made asap! Or if you are planning on scheduling a session now is the time!!! Even if it's a couple months ahead! I actually prefer scheduling far in advance.

Those of you wanting to do a fall session, please schedule your session now!! The dates are filling up fast!! Most of my weekends are already booked with weddings (just to give you an idea of my availability).

Many great changes are happening with my business. I am so excited to share with you new products & frames!!!!

Thanks for reading!! Vacations can be incovenient for those of you on the other end... but it's something I am just needing!! I hope to finish Josiah's nursery (ya... it's STILL not done) and do lots of spring cleaning.... so really... it's not a vacation per se. But it's stuff I gotta do with all my attentioN!! haha... oh man.

Well, no pics to share right now!!! I have about a handful of sessions I am still editing... so maybe tomorrow!

Blessings~ Jenny

Monday, April 13, 2009

Beautiful Baby!

How sweet is she??? I had such a fun day today! Ryan is the most happy baby and has such a warm smile. I was able to use some new tutus I made at the session. It was fun to try them out! Let me know your favs! I just wanted to post a few before their family goes on vacation. There are so many cute ones... I can't wait to share more soon! Enjoy!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!

(~WARNING~ This is a LONG one!!!)

I hope your day was filled with laughter & love. Our easter was perfect!!! We attended Eagle Brook Church & heard an awesome sermon. (They post the sermons on their website every tuesday. So check it out!!) Then we went to my parent's house & had the most delicious brunch!! I was hoping to get outside for a walk to burn off that big brunch I ate but instead had fun taking some pics of my niece! loL! Of course, right???

This weekend I received in the mail my first ever petti skirts!!! yay!!! I have three red one's in different sizes. I was so excited I had my niece model in it for like 5 minutes today!!!! I hope to get to an urban site soon & really have some fun with them!!! Within the year I'd also like to get more in different colors. But I had to start with these first! Let me know what you thinK!

We were able to spend some time with good friends of ours during the weekend. Remember Macy? Well, Josiah & I met her mommy & grandma at a nearby park & played! It was super fun! I took a few pics but I'd love to share more later! We love them & try to get together as often as we can. But we've recently learned that they have completely opposite sleeping schedules so it's been hard to do so. Sad Face =(. Anyways... enjoy!

Isn't he so cute??? I brag about my kid way too much... hehe. =)

I have a session tomorrow with a gerber baby!! She is super cute~!!! I'll probably post some pics either tomorrow or tuesday with some of my favs. So watch for it!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

funny video

Danny (my husband) likes to YT (youtube) like many people do and he finds the most random silly stuff on shows like AFV (america's funniest videos), JFL (just for laughs), and many many more. Well, the other night we were snuggling on the couch with my mac watching vids on YT of laughing/commical babies. Hands down this is the best video we have found yet!! I don't want to oversell... but we really enjoyed it. Take a peek!!!

View video here: "Can't Stay Awake, Can't Stop Jumping" (make sure you have your volume on!!!)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Go Twins!!!

I keep coming across random sites, blogs, news, etc. talking about the Twins!! (maybe because it's the beginning of the season...duh jenny). Well, I love all the baseball spirit!!! I think everyone is so happy spring is arriving!! But I didn't mind that little bit of snow last weekend. It was really pretty!!! I am glad it's gone though!!! =) Our lil family is going to go for a walk tonight. I can't wait!!! It's so nice to get out in the fresh air after sitting at my computer inside editing for hours!!!

(I love this!! Looking out..waiting for daddy!)

So... I thought I'd share with you a recent session of twin boys... hehe. They are adorable!!! I can't tell you which one is which now after I edited out all all bumps, scratches & a black eye! It was the only way I was getting them straight!! (sorry Janelle!!) But aren't they just the most adorable lil guys??? I love their blonde hair & blue eyes!!! And they were super happy!! I want to share with you some of my favorites!! I hope to photography them again outdoors this summer & do something extra fun... maybe a cowboy theme... ??? =)