Friday, May 15, 2009

much overdue!

Hello Friends! I am sorry I've been a bad blogger =( My vacation was really great though! But it didn't feel like much of a vacation because I was still taking care of orders, editing, etc. haha. Oh well! I am still working on Josiah's nursery... it's getting close! I just need to get his custom frames up & I'll be a happy mommy!!

Many new things are changing with my business. Mid-summer I'll be having some revisions to my pricing with session fees & prints (yes-they are slightly increasing). I'll be making a really great new blog very soon!!!! I am hoping in two weeks it will be launched!!! I can't wait!!! Keep close watch- I'll be putting up a special as a grand opening!!! hehe.

Did you get a father's day gift yet? See my previous post if you want a special & priceless gift!

This session is much overdue! I've been meaning to share this special day with you for a while! I had an amazing opportunity to capture newborn twin boys. It was a challenging session for sure but absolutely rewarding in everyway possible!! We ended up having split it into two sessions because there was not enough time to get it all captured! This session I learned a new level of patience (because there are two unpredictable newborns) and was able to see a teeny tiny glimpse of what these amazing parents lives are like... i.e. exhausted & overjoyed!!! =D What a gift God has blessed them with!!! Isaiah is their first son & he cracked me uP! I had a blast capturing a few sweet moments with his little brothers. I was told that he is a very good helper!! What a fun childhood they will have!!! I am so excited to watch the boys grow as they will be part of my baby program "In the Beginning"! Enjoy! Let me know your favs!!!

(my fav of Mark & Levi)
