Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Finally!~ Our baby's pics!

Hey Friends & Family- It's about time I share with you our latest ultrasound pics! These are from 18 weeks & when we found out it was a boy! I've tried to be descriptive on the image & show what's what- but it's always a little abstract at first. It was a long ultrasound because the technician was trying to get certain angles of him to get all her measurements. I had to get up a couple times & walk around to make him move a bit because she wanted a profile pic. Finally! We got a couple great ones and they ended up being my favorite pics of him so far!! =) Enjoy! Not too long you'll be able to see him in person! September 15th! Yay!


  1. Awww...what a sweet and precious baby boy! I cannot wait to see that profile in person. I am so excited for the both of you.

  2. Congratulations! Your baby boy is due the day after my birthday! I'm sure he'll keep you busy!
