Monday, July 20, 2009

Long time...

It's been a while since I've really took some time to blog.

Things have been busy! It's that time of the year where people start thinking about family portraits for christmas cards... and it's the middle of wedding season... I have so many sessions & weddings to share! But I don't have the time to blog everyday... I wish I did!!! But I promise to keep up with it for the next month & try to catch up!! I will be sharing Molly & Dan's wedding soon- for all of you who are checking daily. Sorry! =)

Here's a newborn session I photographed last week. It was a dear friend from High school's little sweet 8 day old baby. I had a BLAST!!! The mom & dad took off to the MOA while I spent a couple hours capturing sweet little moments of their baby (may I remind you we were good friends so I offered to let her rest or run errands in exchange for me babysitting/photographing her child). IT was a GREAT trade off in my opinion!!! I wish everyone let me have that much freedom to do what I want & trusted me!!! That's why the pics turned out awesome (in my opinion)!!!! I was able to try many new things I've been itching to try... I.E. the vintage baby scale~! Enjoy sweet Ella!

1 comment:

  1. I've seen a lot of baby pictures in my life and these are some of the cutest I've ever seen! Just wanted to let you know that you've got talent.
