Monday, March 3, 2008

Congratulations Rachel!

With 17 votes Rachel Krentz won a 16x20 canvas wrap! THank you to all you who voted!

Thanks to the other contestants who entered a picture! I loved all the stories. More contests coming in the near future with other great prizes!

New sessions will be posted this week. Keep looking for new work!!! =)

***Also, my new website will be launched this week as well. I am really excited for you to see it! I'll update you when it is going.


Sunday, March 2, 2008

How to vote!

Starts Sunday March 2nd & ends Monday March 3rd at NOON

Follow these directions & you will have no problem! It’s easy. But it takes a couple extra minutes if you do not have a google account. If you do, you can just post your comment on why you are voting for your favorite image! Thanks!!! Here are 5 easy steps!!

1. Each contestant will be listed on the site on the right side of the page under
BLOG ARCHIVE. Click on the entry you want to vote for in the March section (there are three to choose from).

2.. After you clicked on the correct contestant scroll down to the bottom of the page you will see POST A COMMENT – click

You MUST sign up with google to be a legitimate vote.

3. Under “Leave your comment” you’ll see- “CHOOSE AN IDENTY” –

“GOOGLE/BLOGGER” – no google account- sign up –CLICK HERE

Enter email address & please use real name for display name & enter password

4.. “LEAVE YOUR COMMENT”- I prefer you say why you are voting for this image.


You should be all set! Congrats! You Voted!!! =)

Thanks for voting & helping your family member/friend out!


Jenny Bedard

Ps. Visit my blog regularly for more contests, cute images of kids & updates on my business! Thanks!

Michelle Gilde

I love this picture for so many reasons. I love the sweet little innocent faces of my flower girls. The fact that they just sat there so quietly with their fruit snacks not really knowing what was going on. All they knew was that they got to dress up like a princess that day, take a lot of pictures and walk up a huge staircase.....which I must say made the was hilarious watching them try and make it up those stairs. And if you notice they have their flowers stuck through their sashes on their the last minute they decided that they should do that instead of carrying them.....who ever said you HAVE to carry your bouquets right? :) I love those little girls and our wedding just wouldn't have been the same with out them.

Rachel Krentz

This is one of my favorite pictures from our wedding day. It was taken right before I stepped down the aisle. My dad and I were both feeling very emotional, and we really needed the reassuring looks we are giving each other in the picture in order to keep it together. As soon as I turned to face the guests, I couldn't hold in my tears any longer. Seeing our friends and family pushed me over the edge. I was glad to have my dad standing next to me, but I couldn't wait to make it down the aisle to marry Tony.

Leslie & Macy Goral

This is my favorite picture for many reasons. First being that this shows her personality to a "T"... At this time in Macy's life she's teething so I know her mouth is hurting her... but if you look at her face she's trying to be happy and smile. For a few weeks this is how she was smiling... or stretching her mouth! I also see her attitude in this picture... she's looking at us like ... "do I really have to keep doing this mom?" It was the most adorable thing and I love it!